Liz Campbell

Scott was the most incredible vendor at our wedding to work with! He is so flexible, so kind, and is ALWAYS available to communicate! The music, chosen by us, was created on his playlist creator and made everything so organized and straight forward! On the day of our wedding, he was flexible, arrived early, setup all his things with no hassle, and gave us the perfect playlist for our guests – everyone said they wanted Scottify for their wedding! He is a fantastic DJ and an extremely awesome person – HIGHLY recommend.

Contact us

Use the contact form to send us email to check availability, prices or ask a question.

We will respond within 6 hours.

Thanks for considering us for your event. We look forward to hearing from you.

Name: Scott Wallace |
Phone: 416-729-1973
Address: PO Box 60072, Queen Beverly PO, 260 Queen St W, Toronto, M5V0C5
Five-Star DJ on GigSalad              
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